Behind The Scene of my Visa

Suddenly, I'm receiving so many message. They asking about my visa because they "want" it too. After telling them what requirements that must be met, they just left without word.

Hey dude, nothing  worth having comes easy. You can't be something overnight.. "want" aja gak cukup, but you should make it your "need".

When you want something of value you have to work tiredlessly for it. Because without hard work you can't achieve it.

You may only know that today I got it, but you never know how hard I've been trying to reach it.

With my bad English, it's seems impossible to get it (bahkan ditulisan ini you will find so many grammatical errors hahaha forgive me). But I work hard on it.

Everyday, after work I went to library, spending as much time as I could to learn English. I don't have enough funds for paying the course (baca: lagi kere dan berusaha berhemat). But people say "where there's a will there's a way". Modal wifi gratis di library for a month I learn English from youtube. Gak peduli ujan, gak peduli capek abis kerja, I commit to study English everyday even just a few hours.
And then... jeng jeng setelah kerja keras sebulan I got my IELTS result and it's  more than i ever expected. Uhuyy... "Effort won't betray you"...

How about bank reference letter? Haha it's even more hard for me to save money with min 5000AUD. But Paulo Coelho say: when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it. Thanks to all my friends who have helped me. And... At the end i could fulfill the requirement.
Masih banyak lagi, tapi sebaiknya kita cari waktu  sambil minum segelas es teh dan akan kuceritakan semuanya. Oh yeah, bonus sleep over in the airport too waktu interview imigration.

See... I know that It's definitely not easy, but I think if you want it bad enough you will find a way, just like me.
For me, I always believe that when I do my best, God will do the rest. Just pray and believe Your turn will come...

I know it's not the end, it's just beginning. I never know what will happen in the future but as long as God with me, NO NEED WORRY.

Backpacker Hongkong: Disneyland, Ngong Ping & Ladies Market - Part 2


Hari pertama di HK dimulai dengan hujan berkat kalo orang bilang cuaca kurang bersahabat. So, sambil nunggu hujan agak reda saya nyari sarapan di bawah hostel. Setelah keliling sana sini dan melihat etalase makanan yang dijual, tak ada satu pun yang mengundang selera, meskipun pada dasarnya saya bukan tipe pemilih.
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